4 MP3 DDOWNLOAD MESSAGES. What you hold in your hand are some of my deepest teachings that will ultimately be an investment into your future. What does this mean? It simply means that the invitation from God to go deeper into His Word will ultimately bring you into a higher level in your walk with God. This will result in experiencing a greater anointing, fruitfulness, and satisfaction. Faith will explode as you respond to a deeper level of obedience. Yes, come on and get your feet wet. The Lord is calling you.
• Contending for the Crown of Life... Contending for heaven on earth.
• Clothed in Righteousness... Every adversity can be a jewel in our crown.
• Effortless Holiness... God calls us to be holy as effortlessly as He is holy.
• All Consuming Fire... The Sovereignty of God is a safe place.
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Forshia Ross Ministries
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